Learning & education: Sleep

woman doing meditation
Jul 20, 2023
In this article, we are going to focus on 7 ways to naturally increase GABA in the brain, including cool tech and some awesomely therapeutic orange and lavender troches!
The 4 Keys to a Good Night's Sleep
Jun 15, 2023
During sleep, many of the systems of the body (i.e., nervous, endocrine, skeletal, muscular, and immune) are in a state of anabolism ("building up"), which promotes restoration and healing. With that said, the most pronounced physiological changes during sleep occur in the brain, which further underlines the role of sleep in cognition, mood, and memory [4].
Epigenetic Modulation (Diet, Exercise, Methylene Blue, Sleep, and More)
Jun 01, 2023
Our growth and maturation are controlled by specific gene sets that are choreographed events in conjunction with environmental cues, depending on the period of life at which they are triggered or suppressed. Any type of epigenetic factor that affects genes or gene expression networks during a person's life can lead to an imbalance in the regulatory process and may have a lasting impact [1].
Sleep Hormones and their Effect on the GABA System
May 18, 2023
Sleep allows our bodies to rest and recover, and our brains to process the information we've taken in during the day. But what happens inside our bodies when we sleep? It all starts with the hormones of sleep!
Dendritogenesis! You need it. You want it. Let's go!
Mar 09, 2023
Dendrites are the branching extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body [4,5]. Dendrites derive their name from the Greek word for “tree,” as they are branching extensions of nerve cells that transmit electrical and chemical signals from other neurons to the neuron's cell body [5].  
glymphatic lymphatic aging sleep
Feb 09, 2023
Have you ever wondered how your body clears cellular waste? Where do our millions of cells dump their garbage? The answer to this question is relatively simple: outside of your brain, all the cells of your body pour their harmful metabolic waste, proteins, and other dissolved substances into the lymphatic system.

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