Smarter Not Harder podcast: microbiome

Dr. Elisa Song | The Role of Gut Health in Childhood Development
Jul 25, 2024
In this episode of the Smarter Not Harder Podcast, Dr. Elisa Song discusses integrative pediatrics, particularly focusing on gut health, the impact of antibiotics on children, and practical tips for parents to support their kids' microbiome and overall wellness.
Dr. Piper Dobner: Inside the Science of Poop
Feb 21, 2024
In this episode of the Smarter Not Harder Podcast, Jodi Duval and Dr. Piper Dobner, a leading figure in naturopathic medicine, discuss the exciting world of postbiotics and fecal transplants. As the founder of Thaena Inc., her groundbreaking work is at the forefront of postbiotic research, promising a new era in microbiome health.
Dr. Kiran Krishnan: Revolutionizing Health Through Gut Microbiota
Jul 26, 2023
In this episode of the Smarter Not Harder Podcast, our guest Dr. Kiran Krishnan joins our host Dr. Ted Achacoso to give one-cent solutions to life’s $64,000 questions that include: What are the most exciting clinical developments in the field of gut microbiota and probiotic supplementation? How do outer membrane vesicles violate the dogma that bacteria and human cells should not communicate directly?  Why is the gut microbiota now considered an organ in the body that is postnatal, or an organ that grows right after birth?

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