Learning & education: Mitochondria

What is ATP synthase?
May 30, 2024
ATP synthase (also referred to as F1 Fo -ATPase or H+ -ATPase) is an extraordinarily prevalent complex of proteins found in all living organisms. Despite variations, ATP synthases are highly similar across species both structurally and functionally.
Testing for Mitochondrial Function: Optimize Your Cells' Health
Dec 28, 2023
In today’s article, we are going to talk about why mitochondria are so vital, discuss some of the problems that can emerge, and examine current methods of testing for mitochondrial function. We will also assess how these testing methods can be used to support optimal health and well-being.
Unleashing Cellular Vitality: Mastering Mitochondrial Health
Sep 28, 2023
Mitochondria are essential structures present in the majority of eukaryotic life forms, including humans. Mitochondria are responsible for generating more than 90% of the body's energy, primarily in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) [1]. When ATP breaks down, it releases essential energy crucial for maintaining life and ensuring proper functioning of organs [2]. 
a mitochondrion
Aug 10, 2023
“Powerhouse of the cell” and “battery of a car” are some common analogies you may have heard used to describe the mitochondria [1]. These analogies oversimplify the functions and role of mitochondria in cell physiology. In contrast to powerhouses with a single energy transformation purpose, mitochondria are multifaceted and multifunctional [1].
Methylene Blue for Jet Lag
Mar 30, 2023
If you fly with any regularity, you very likely know the feeling of being jet-lagged.  The so-called “jet lag syndrome” includes a variety of symptoms like sleepiness, headache, body pain, fatigue, dry or irritated skin, brain fog, gastrointestinal issues, and more. 
Mitochondria Biogenesis
Dec 21, 2022
Just 1% faster. Just 1% stronger. These are the kinds of gains elite athletes strive for to be just .01 second faster than their competition. But even if you are just a weekend warrior trying to not get injured in this week's softball game, the better tuned your internal metabolic system is at making energy, the faster, stronger, and less prone to injury you will be too.

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