Inflammation is a process involving the activation of immune and non-immune cells to protect us against bacteria, viruses, toxins, and infections by destroying pathogens whilst at the same time promoting tissue repair and recovery [1]. Both the degree and extent of the inflammatory response are important variables, as inflammation can be systemic or local. Metabolic and neuroendocrine changes take place to conserve energy and redirect nutrients to the activated immune system [2]. Most people are familiar with the biobehavioral effects of inflammation, which manifest in “sickness behaviors” such as malaise, fatigue, reduced libido and food intake, altered sleep, and dysregulated metabolism.
In the short term, inflammation of this kind (acute) is beneficial and resolves itself once the threat has passed. However, certain environmental, psychological, social, and biological factors can stop this resolution and lead to a prolonged state of sterile, long-term (i.e., chronic) systemic inflammation.
A long-lived inflammatory state is linked to a wide range of health conditions and major alterations in tissues and organ systems, including the brain and central nervous system [3-5]. Severe inflammation of the brain (called encephalitis) is a serious but rare condition. However, the chronic activation of microglia and astrocytes in the central nervous system by pro-inflammatory signaling proteins for example has been associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease in older age [5,6].
Thankfully, there are several ways to influence this inflammatory state and today’s article will cover a selection of them.
1. Physical Exercise
Exercise is an important lifestyle factor that has a host of health effects, both physical and psychological. It leads to systemic adaptations in the body whilst also promoting a lengthened healthspan (the amount of time spent in good health whilst we are alive) [7,8]. Unfortunately, industrialization has led to a significant overall decrease in physical activity levels in high-income countries when compared to low-and-middle-income ones [9].
Engaging in physical activity can produce anti-inflammatory effects on the blood-brain barrier and lead to a reduction in lesions and vascular permeability [10]. It does this due to its impact on antioxidative capacity, oxidative stress, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier by preserving tight junctions.
Muscle is an important tissue in the body as it functions like an endocrine organ. During contraction, it releases signaling molecules called cytokines and myokines into the bloodstream and these operate on a systemic level to reduce inflammation. Low physical activity has been associated with increased levels of C-reactive protein, a known biomarker of chronic systemic inflammation, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in healthy people [11].
2. Dietary Factors
There is a distinct relationship between the gut and the brain, the so-called “gut-brain axis” [12]. When combined with low levels of physical activity, a diet high in hyperpalatable processed foods that contain large amounts of fat, sugar, salt, and flavor additives can cause changes in cell metabolism. They effectively lead to the increased production and impaired disposal of dysfunctional organelles within cells, such as mitochondria (the energy factories of the cell) and molecules of generally poor quality. In simple terms, there is an accumulation of “cellular garbage” [13,14]. These low-quality altered molecules stimulate the immune system in a process that worsens with age.
Several foods have been shown to help reduce brain inflammation. Oily fish such as salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which can help improve learning, memory, cognitive health, and blood flow to the brain [15]. They can also reduce inflammation and enhance insulin sensitivity [16].
Consuming a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, spices, and legumes is advantageous, as these foods contain anti-inflammatory compounds such as omega-3s, vitamins, and essential minerals that help create a positive brain environment that minimizes inflammation [17].
3. Reduce Stress Levels
Persistent physical and psychological stress is associated with several negative health outcomes. Not only does it affect memory and cognition, but chronic stress also leads to the disruption of the autonomic nervous system which may also bring about a systemic pro-inflammatory state [18]. Increased inflammation in peripheral regions and the brain as a result of such chronic stress can also negatively affect neurotransmitter metabolism, leading to behavioral health symptoms [19]. Therefore, reducing these types of stress (using methods described in this article and elsewhere) can be tremendously beneficial for brain inflammation but also global health.
4. Good Sleep Hygiene
Sleep is a rejuvenating process in which the brain clears out inflammation and waste whilst setting about restoring neural connections and consolidating memories [20]. Alongside physical activity and diet, the modern world has drastically impacted our sleep behavior. Sleep that is of short duration and poor quality can lead to systemic chronic inflammation and insulin resistance, as well as increase the risk of metabolic disease.
Persistent psychological stressors can also lead to changes in the way the body effectively puts the brakes on inflammatory activity, due to chronically high cortisol (a major stress hormone) levels [21,22].
Improving sleep quality and duration is of great value for health in the first instance, but also for the promotion of brain health and the reduction of brain inflammation.
5. Just Blue
Are you overwhelmed by brain fog, inflammation, and a lack of energy?
Troscriptions' Just Blue is pure cellular revitalization. Our 16 mg methylene blue buccal troche will brighten your focus, decrease inflammation, and boost your energy and endurance.
Methylene blue at low doses inhibits inducible or free-floating nitric oxide synthase that occurs due to stress [23]. This can be related to trauma, low oxygen states, toxicity, infection, or just about any etiology that causes acute inflammation. It also decreases inflammation by inducing a robust antioxidant response [24].
You can read more about methylene blue here.
6. Tro Mune
Are you sick of always catching every bug around?
Troscriptions' Tro Mune can help you break the cycle. Our 75 mg cordycepin buccal troche will decrease inflammation, fight off foreign invaders, protect your brain, enhance detoxification, and increase deep, restorative sleep.
Cordycepin's effects on inflammation and inflammatory diseases have been extensively studied, and increasing evidence suggests that it ameliorates inflammatory disorders by reducing the levels of pro-inflammatory mediators and regulating various signaling pathways [25].
You can read more about cordycepin here.
Prolonged low-grade systemic inflammation is a considerable health challenge and likely leads to many prominent metabolic and age-related diseases. When affecting the brain it can bring about a host of unwanted symptoms and downstream issues.
In this article, we have examined four key lifestyle factors to help reduce inflammation in the brain as well as on a systemic level. All these factors are related to lifestyle and have, for the most part, been affected by the changes brought about by industrialization that originated in the 18th century.
By engaging in regular physical activity, consuming a varied diet with minimal contributions from highly processed foods, reducing stressors both physical and psychological, promoting good sleep hygiene, and picking up Just Blue or Tro Mune (or both!), the levels of systemic and brain inflammation can be optimized for health irrespective of age.
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