GABA and L-Theanine: Sleep, Relaxation, and More

Aug 8, 2024 | Written by Solène Grosdidier, PharmD, PhD | Reviewed by Scott Sherr, MD and Marion Hall

GABA and L-Theanine: Sleep, Relaxation, and More

N-ethyl-L-glutamine or L-theanine is an amino acid analog structurally similar to L-glutamate, one of the primary excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS). 

L-theanine is found in green tea [1]. Apart from contributing to its umami flavor [2], this molecule has anti-oxidative [3], anti-inflammatory [4], neuroprotective [5], and anxiolytic [6] properties, among others. In its natural form, theanine found in tea leaves or mushrooms exists as the L-enantiomer (D-configuration merely possesses biological activities). In the tea tree, L-theanine is synthesized by theanine synthetase from glutamic acid and ethylamine in the roots. L-theanine is then transported through the blast and accumulates in tea leaves, representing more than 50% of the total free amino acids [7]. L-theanine is rapidly absorbed in the intestine when tea is ingested via sodium-coupled co-transporters. It then travels through the bloodstream to various tissues and organs and crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach the CNS [7,8].

L-theanine effects on neurotransmitters


Research on the effects of L-theanine on brain neurotransmitters is limited. However, a study found that L-theanine increased striatal dopamine release in rats, an effect mediated by NMDA receptor activation and inhibited by the NMDA receptor antagonist AP-5 [9].
Another study investigated its effects on monoamine levels in diverse brain regions in a rat depression model. L-theanine significantly increased the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and hippocampus regions, while it only increased the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the striatum [10].

One study reported an increase in GABA or γ-aminobutyric acid levels in mice brains after L-theanine treatment. In this study, the convulsive effect of caffeine was inhibited by L-theanine, suggesting a possible GABA-related anti-convulsive action [11].

Neurotransmitter receptors

A study investigating the effects of L-theanine with magnesium reported increased expression of GABAergic, serotonergic, and glutamatergic receptors [12]. L-theanine has also been shown to activate GABA-A receptors directly [13]. In addition, L-theanine can interact with the AMPA, NMDA, and kainate receptors [14], the three ionotropic glutamate receptors of L-glutamate in the CNS. Finally, L-theanine possesses long-term inhibitory effects on glutamate release [15].

L-theanine benefits

L-theanine and neuroprotection

Many studies in animals reported the neuroprotective effects of L-theanine on ischemic neuronal cell death [16,17]. While its neuroprotective effects seem partly due to weak antagonism of AMPA and kainate receptors [14], L-theanine modulates extracellular glutamine levels through its action on glutamine transporters in astrocytes [15]. Additionally, L-theanine appears to promote neurogenesis. In a rat model of spinal cord injury, L-theanine was able to promote the recovery of behavioral motor function. This neuroprotective mechanism may be related to L-theanine's inhibition of post-traumatic oxidative reaction, neuroinflammation, and apoptosis [18].
In another study, L-theanine could repair the normal brain structure by downregulating inflammatory cytokines in a rat model of brain oxidative stress induced by Aroclor 1254 [19]. In addition, L-theanine could inhibit neuronal death by inhibiting oxidative damage and tau hyperphosphorylation in a mouse model of cadmium-induced brain injury [20].

L-theanine and neurodegenerative diseases

In a mouse model of cognitive impairment induced by klotho gene depletion, L-theanine could alleviate memory impairment. Its effect resulted from the up-regulation of JAK2/STAT3, M1 muscarinic cholinergic receptor, and ERK signaling [21].
In a rat model of Huntington’s disease (HD) induced by quinolinic acid, L-theanine administration reduced the observed pathological changes [22]. In another rat model of HD induced by 3-nitropropionic acid, L-theanine showed neuroprotective effects by preventing NO production and neurotransmitter changes in the striatum [23]. L-theanine combined with luteolin was able to prevent Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in rats injected with amyloid-β25–35 by improving hippocampal insulin signaling, norepinephrine metabolism, and reducing neuroinflammation [24]. L-theanine also alleviated memory impairment and protected hippocampal long-term potentiation in Alzheimer's mice by activating the dopamine D1/5 receptor-protein kinase A pathway [25].
In humans, a study from 2006 identified a correlation between the high consumption of green tea and a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment in Japanese subjects aged 70 years or more [26]. Daily consumption of PGTH-theanine over 12 months prevented cognitive decline in aged volunteers, with minimal side effects. Thus, theanine might have the potential for the prevention of cognitive dysfunction and dementia [8].

L-theanine and depression

Many studies reported the ability of lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of major depressive disorder (MDD) [27-30]. Interestingly, tea consumption showed a strong relationship with reduced MDD [31]. Most studies found a link between tea consumption and lower risks of depression. For example, a MEDIS study found that daily tea consumption had the lowest relative risk for depression among all the metrics measured, such as consumption of fish, meat, vegetables, legumes, age, education, and BMI among others [32]. The main hypotheses to explain tea's anti-depressive effects include reducing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity, decreasing inflammation, restoring monoaminergic signaling through gut microbiota activity, and enhancing neurogenesis and neuroplasticity [33].
For instance, L-theanine treatment in mice demonstrated that supplementation normalized hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity induced by heat stress [34]. This normalization was accompanied by significantly reduced plasma glucocorticoids and adrenocorticotropin levels [34,35]. These findings suggest that L-theanine might participate in the communication between inflammatory cytokines and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Other studies suggested that its antagonistic effect on glutamate may take part in this normalization. Indeed, L-theanine in the brain can reduce the release of glutamate from pre-synapse to the synaptic cleft [8], where glutamate can then be carboxylated into GABA, the brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter [36].

L-theanine and schizophrenia

Several studies reported symptom alleviation related to L-theanine treatment of schizophrenic patients. One specific study found that L-theanine treatment significantly improved both the positive and negative syndrome scale scores and sleep quality in patients with schizophrenia. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings suggest that L-theanine exerts its effects by stabilizing glutamatergic concentration in the schizophrenic brain [37].

L-theanine and anxiety

A recent systematic review evaluated the effects of L-theanine oral supplementation on stress and anxiety in randomized controlled clinical trials. Based on nine peer-reviewed articles, L-theanine supplementation of 200-400 mg/day appeared to reduce anxiety and stress [38]. However, another systematic review comparing the efficacy of medicinal herbs to treat anxiety reported that L-theanine showed no difference with placebo [39]. Consequently, more research is needed to investigate the effects and mechanisms of L-theanine to conclude its efficacy in anti-anxiety and stress reduction.

L-theanine and sleep

In mice, treatment with a combination of GABA and L-theanine had positive synergistic effects on sleep quality and total sleep time as compared to GABA or L-theanine alone [40].
In humans, several clinical trials reported beneficial effects of L-theanine treatment in different patient populations. For example, oral L-theanine efficacy was assessed in a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled study. Cancer patients suffering from sleep disorders like insomnia were given 200 mg of L-theanine once daily for two weeks. Results show that L-theanine was significantly better than the placebo in improving sleep quantity and quality [41]. Another randomized double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial assessed a combination treatment of L-theanine and Lactium to improve sleep in adults. The results suggest that L-theanine and Lactium have beneficial effects on sleep duration and appropriate bedtime. Additionally, changes in the gut microbiota may explain the observed changes in sleep patterns [42]. A recent review discussed the effects of tea components, including L-theanine, in regulating sleep via the immune system, neuroendocrine pathway, and gut microbiota [43].

L-theanine and cognition

Several experimental cross-over studies on healthy participants assessed the cognitive effects of L-theanine combined with caffeine. Apart from raising systolic blood pressure, several studies reported that L-theanine combined with caffeine was able to enhance attention as measured by an attention-switching task [44,45]. In addition, L-theanine and caffeine treatment shortened response time and increased accuracy in another attention-switching task [46]. Another study highlighted that L-theanine only presented beneficial effects on accuracy in a behavioral test when combined with caffeine [47]. Finally, L-theanine and caffeine were favorable in a test with seven subtractions in terms of reaction time, numerical working memory, and visual information processing [48]. The improvements in cognitive tasks observed in these studies were consistently attributed to the combined presence of both caffeine and L-theanine, likely due to the synergistic effects of both substances.

L-theanine and immunoregulation

Oral supplementation of L-theanine and cystine can alleviate the effects caused by high-intensity exercise in athletes; it prevents excessive inflammation and reduces muscle damage and immunosuppression [49]. L-theanine combined with cystine can also increase glutathione levels, restore natural killer cell activity, and enhance the immune response to prevent infectious diseases [50]. In addition, L-theanine participates in the reduction of interleukin-10, which has positive effects in restoring the helper T lymphocytes (Th) 1/Th2 balance disrupted after intense exercise [51]. Finally, L-theanine can partially protect against colds and flu as demonstrated by two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials by enhancing the gamma, and delta T cell function and promoting interferon-gamma secretion [52,53].


L-theanine, a compound found in tea leaves, exhibits numerous beneficial biological properties. It directly influences neurotransmitters and their receptors in the CNS, offering neuroprotective effects and positively impacting attention, cognition, and sleep. Additionally, L-theanine has an immunoregulatory role, further highlighting its wide-ranging therapeutic potential.

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