Learning & education

The Unofficial Guide to Nicotinyl GABA
Jan 13, 2022
N-nicotinoyl-GABA is a novel combination of niacin, a form of vitamin B3, and GABA molecularly bound together in a single compound. This combination is BBB permeable, and increases both vitamin B3 and GABA levels in the brain.
What Exactly is Democratizing Enlightenment?
Dec 23, 2021
The word enlightenment literally means to be “filled with light." Sounds awesome, right? But wait a minute… what kind of light are we talking about? Because if it’s from a fluorescent bulb or blue light after sunset... (uh oh, biohackers!). There are many definitions of the term enlightenment that go far beyond its etymological origins.
The Insider's Guide to Kava
Dec 09, 2021
Kava first came to the west in the form of kava bars where patrons were served various drinks with kava in them as an alternative to alcohol (you’ll see why below). It was also used as a short-acting anesthetic because of its well-known mild numbing effect on mucosal surfaces. 
The Best Way to Utilize Cannabigerol
Nov 25, 2021
A new era has arrived, folks. We have entered the era of minor cannabinoids. And one of the most promising, making up just 1% of cannabis and hemp plants, is CBG or cannabigerol. Much like CBD, CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can have profound effects on inflammation and neuroprotection. 
The Deep Dive on Cannabidiol
Nov 18, 2021
Cannabidiol (CBD) is certainly no longer the new kid on the block. In the last five years, it has exploded on the market in products that range from shampoos, skin creams, tinctures, suppositories, and (you've guessed it) troches! So why is CBD use so widespread? 
Nicotine: The Most Misunderstood Nootropic in the World
Nov 02, 2021
Discover the cognitive benefits of nicotine as a nootropic, from improved focus and memory to overall brain health and other positive effects on the brain.

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