Learning & education

Can Kava Help with Anxiety?
Oct 13, 2022
Anxiety presents a considerable burden to healthcare services and infrastructure globally, with the annual cost of anxiety disorders estimated at $42.3 billion ($1542 per patient) in 1990 [4]. This article explores some of the traditional methods of treating anxiety, drawbacks of their use, and presents evidence for the use of kava as a natural alternative to these strategies.
Ten Ways to Rapidly De-Stress
Oct 05, 2022
Stress management is an essential skill to develop to ensure optimal health and well-being. The ability to rapidly de-stress is an important one, in order to hopefully avoid the regular and persistent stress that can be so damaging to health in the long-term.
How to take methylene blue orally to optimize health
Oct 04, 2022
At Troscriptions, our products optimize health rather than treat disease. In this context, our methylene blue dosing was designed to leverage this magical blue compound for its energy enhancing and antioxidant properties while at the same time minimizing the risks of possible toxicity.
Eight Ways to Optimize Mitochondrial Function and Energy Production
Sep 24, 2022
Each mitochondria within the cell serves as a hub of aerobic respiration or the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy currency of life. This ATP is then distributed throughout the cell to be used in a diverse range of metabolic processes.
8 Essential Ways to Build Stress Resilience
Sep 14, 2022
All of us are faced with challenging life experiences and elements of mental adversity, from both internal and external sources. Research literature is filled with examples of children and adults who, in the face of considerable psychological stress, displayed minimal changes in emotional well-being or behavioral disturbances [1]. There are, of course, many more that have not been so lucky.  
Why We Sleep
Sep 02, 2022
Did you know that in the animal kingdom, humans are the only ones who will purposely deprive themselves of sleep? You’ve probably heard quips such as:  “Sleep is for quitters.”  “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” “Sleep is for lazy people.”  But the secret is out… people who say these things are very very wrong (and will likely die sooner than those who get more sleep!).

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