Learning & education

The Best Way to Utilize Cannabigerol
Nov 25, 2021
A new era has arrived, folks. We have entered the era of minor cannabinoids. And one of the most promising, making up just 1% of cannabis and hemp plants, is CBG or cannabigerol. Much like CBD, CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can have profound effects on inflammation and neuroprotection. 
The Deep Dive on Cannabidiol
Nov 18, 2021
Cannabidiol (CBD) is certainly no longer the new kid on the block. In the last five years, it has exploded on the market in products that range from shampoos, skin creams, tinctures, suppositories, and (you've guessed it) troches! So why is CBD use so widespread? 
Nicotine: The Most Misunderstood Nootropic in the World
Nov 02, 2021
Discover the cognitive benefits of nicotine as a nootropic, from improved focus and memory to overall brain health and other positive effects on the brain.
Caffeine: The Most Widely Used Nootropic in the World
Oct 28, 2021
Caffeine is the most widely used nootropic in the world. You probably had some this morning! What makes it so popular? What are the nootropic effects? And should you be concerned about any downsides?
Methylene Blue
Oct 28, 2021
Methylene blue is one of the most fascinating compounds in the world. Originally, this article was featured on Dave Asprey’s Biohacked blog, but we've expanded it and added more information.
Why Troscriptions?
May 16, 2021
Troscriptions is on a mission to Democratize Enlightenment. We do this through the use of precision-dosed troches geared to help you obtain focus, health, and reduce stress.

AI-generated responses are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Accuracy, completeness, or timeliness are not guaranteed. Use at your own risk.

Trixie - AI assistant
