All Things Adenosine: Sleep, Caffeine, and More

Jun 20, 2024 | Written by Solène Grosdidier, PharmD, PhD and Scott Sherr, MD | Reviewed by Scott Sherr, MD and Marion Hall

someone laying in bed with a drink
This article was originally posted on Sept 7, 2023 and updated on Jun 20, 2024.
Adenosine, a naturally occurring nucleoside in the brain, contributes to energy metabolism, nucleic acid structure, cell signaling, and neurotransmission, among many other things. It binds to four subtypes of adenosine receptors (ARs), A1, A2A, A2B, and A3, all of which can be activated by extracellular adenosine [1]. The tissue-varying expression pattern of ARs and their different binding affinities with adenosine confer many functions to adenosine signaling in the human body [2,3].
ARs are widely expressed in the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) and peripheral tissues [1,4]. In the brain, adenosine is a neurotransmitter that participates in neuromodulation, pain modulation, and even sleep regulation. This molecule also exhibits neuroprotective effects and, with its receptors, may be associated with several diseases.

A1 and A2A receptors are broadly distributed throughout the brain. A1Rs are uniformly expressed in brain tissue and exert an inhibitory effect at synapses by activating potassium and chloride channels and inhibiting P- and N-type voltage-gated calcium channels. In contrast, A2ARs are primarily expressed in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, and thalamus [5], where they activate adenylyl cyclase and promote cAMP production. A2A and A1Rs can form functional heteromers together [6] and with other excitatory receptors, such as those in the dopamine [7,8] and glutamate systems [9].
In this article, we'll take a deep dive into all things adenosine, including its interactions with caffeine and possible supplementation. If you'd like to read even more about adenosine's capabilities, take a look at our article on adenosine for skin!

Adenosine and sleep regulation

The concentration of adenosine varies across brain regions, leading to varied mechanisms in the regulation of sleep, primarily via A1 and A2 receptors [10]. For example, in the posterior hypothalamus, endogenous adenosine inhibits histaminergic signaling via A1R, promoting non-rapid eye movement sleep [11]. Conversely, in the ventrolateral preoptic area, adenosine inhibits GABAergic signaling to facilitate sleep [12]. 

Adenosine regulates sleep by inhibiting the excitability of the brain's arousal system via its receptors, activating sleep-promoting systems, and modulating homeostatic sleep (sleep pressure) and circadian rhythms. After falling asleep, adenosine is believed to prolong deep sleep or slow-wave sleep. It has also been found that the levels of adenosine may influence the functioning of the circadian clock and address the question of whether homeostatic sleep and the circadian clock may interact through adenosinergic signaling [13].

While it is still only hypothesized that adenosine is involved in the induction of sleep after prolonged wakefulness, a positron emission tomography study found that rapid eye movement sleep deprivation or sleep loss (which may be caused by sleep disturbances or sleep disorders) increases A1 receptor binding in the brain, providing evidence for A1AR upregulation in cortical and subcortical brain regions after prolonged wakefulness, which indicates its contribution to the homeostatic control of sleep [15]. Despite these findings, however, the precise mechanism of adenosine in regulating sleep and wakefulness remains unclear and warrants further research [15]. 

Adenosine and caffeine

Coffee, or more specifically caffeine, a major component of coffee, acts as an antagonist to adenosine receptors. In the brain, adenosine binding to its receptors normally causes drowsiness by slowing down nerve cell activity and allowing blood vessels to dilate, presumably to increase oxygen flow during sleep. However, to a nerve cell, caffeine structurally resembles adenosine, allowing it to bind to adenosine receptors.

Unlike adenosine, caffeine does not slow down cell activity; rather, it prevents the identification of adenosine by occupying its receptors, leading to an increase in nerve cell activity. As such, the effect of caffeine on sleep is usually opposite that of adenosine, which is both involved in sleep and necessary for sleep.

This is also why caffeine can cause constriction of brain blood vessels, countering adenosine's vasodilatory effect. This antagonistic interaction explains the stimulatory and arousal effects of caffeine, often used to combat drowsiness and even in headache medications to constrict blood vessels in the brain.

Adenosine and neuromodulation

Free adenosine in the brain is typically in the nanomolar range [16], but it can locally increase to millimolar levels during periods of low synaptic activity [17]. Acting primarily via A1R, adenosine is a presynaptic inhibitor of excitatory amino acid release and contributes to postsynaptic hyperpolarization [18].
As a potent neuromodulator, adenosine helps regulate synaptic activity, playing a well-established neuroprotective role [19,20]. Furthermore, adenosine's involvement in cognitive functions, such as learning and memory, is mediated by its interaction with A1 and A2A receptors, which influence processes related to memory formation and recall [21].

Adenosine and regulation of blood flow

Adenosine, released by astrocytes, stimulates vasodilation in endothelial cells via A2A receptors. This mechanism allows adenosine to regulate blood flow, facilitating increased local circulation. This response ensures adequate metabolic support during periods of intense synaptic stimulation [22].

Adenosine and neuroprotection

A2BR and A3R are expressed in the brain, although they are found at lower levels compared to A1R and A2AR [23] Furthermore, they exhibit lower affinity for adenosine, typically in the micromolar range [24]. As such, they are likely mediators of excessive adenosine signaling, such as in trauma, but further research is needed to fully understand their roles [25].
Unlike A1R and A2A, A2B and A3 receptors are mainly expressed in astrocytes. A2BR activation triggers interleukin-6 production, potentially contributing to the inflammatory response following brain trauma [26]. Additionally, the upregulation of A2BR in ischemic preconditioning suggests a role in neuroprotective mechanisms [27]. A3R activation appears to have a protective effect on astrocytes [28]. Modulation of adenosine receptors has been associated with neuroprotection in many model systems, such as hypoxia/ischemia [29,30], Parkinson’s disease [31,32], and epilepsy [33] among others.

Adenosine and pain modulation

Adenosine also plays a significant role in inflammatory and neuropathic pain, and one study reported that adenosine reduced neuropathic pain, hyperalgesia, and ischemic pain as well as morphine or ketamine [34]. Several clinical trials showed that preoperative adenosine reduced the amount of isoflurane required during surgery and postoperative opioid use [35,36].

Adenosine's impact on mood and anxiety

A2ARs are associated with depression-like symptoms, whereas A1R signaling elicits rapid antidepressant effects.

A2AR appears to be involved in anxiety disorders, as seen in studies showing increased depression-like behavior in transgenic rats overexpressing A2ARs [37]. Exposure to chronic unpredictable mild stress increases A2AR expression and triggers behavioral and synaptic alterations, which can be mitigated by caffeine, an antagonist (inhibitor) for A1 and A2A receptors [38]. In mice, inhibition of A2ARs by a selective antagonist enhances the activity of antidepressant medications [39].

In mice with switched on and off A1Rs, the activation of these receptors led to notable antidepressant effects [40]. Knockout mice lacking A1Rs exhibited increased depressive-like behavior that was resistant to the antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation, suggesting that the transient antidepressant effect observed after sleep deprivation is mediated by A1Rs [40].

Adenosine and neurodegenerative disorders

Growing evidence shows that adenosine and its receptors may be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Adenosine and related metabolites are altered in Alzheimer’s disease patients [41,42]. Its receptors, A1R and A2AR, present differences in localization and density in brain regions affected by the disease [43,44]. A1R expression is downregulated in patients’ brains when analyzed postmortem, while A2AR expression is upregulated in the forebrain of the aged compared to young individuals [45]. Inhibition of A1R and A2AR seems to alleviate the neurotoxicity associated with β-amyloid accumulation and tau hyperphosphorylation and improves cognition and memory. However, further research is needed to fully understand the involvement of adenosine and its receptors in Alzheimer’s disease [46].
Targeting adenosine A2ARs may alleviate non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease including cognitive impairment, depression, and excessive daytime sleepiness. A2AR antagonists have shown efficacy in reversing cognitive deficits and depressive symptoms in rat models [47,48], and they may also improve motivation-related symptoms of depression [49]. Furthermore, istradefylline, an A2A antagonist, can enhance daytime wakefulness in Parkinson’s patients without affecting nocturnal sleep [50,51]. Overall, these findings suggest that A2AR antagonists have the potential to treat the neuropsychiatric components of Parkinson’s disease.

Oral bioavailability of adenosine

When it comes to the oral administration of adenosine, or more specifically its derivative adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP), studies have shown mixed results. While oral ATP administration has failed to increase plasma ATP levels, chronic supplementation has been demonstrated to enhance power, strength, lean body mass, and blood flow in trained athletes. This paradox raises questions about the bioavailability of adenosine and its effectiveness when administered orally.

In a study where subjects received varying doses of oral ATP for 28 days, only plasma uric acid levels showed a significant increase, particularly at the highest dose of 5000 mg. This suggests that while adenosine might not directly influence plasma ATP levels, its metabolites could have physiological effects

The benefits of adenosine supplementation

While research on adenosine supplements is still limited, some studies suggest that supplementing with adenosine may help regulate sleep patterns and promote better sleep.

  1. Improved sleep quality: Adenosine supplementation may enhance the quality of sleep by promoting deeper and more restful sleep.

  2. Reduced sleep latency: Adenosine supplements have been found to decrease the time it takes to fall asleep, helping individuals with insomnia or difficulty initiating sleep.

  3. Enhanced sleep duration: Some studies indicate that adenosine supplementation can increase total sleep time, allowing individuals to obtain a sufficient amount of restorative sleep.

Considerations and precautions

  1. Dosage: The optimal dosage of adenosine supplementation for sleep induction is still under investigation but very likely has a wide dose range.

  2. Potential side effects: Adenosine supplementation is generally considered safe, but some individuals, especially those using high doses, may experience side effects such as headaches, dizziness, or gastrointestinal discomfort. If any adverse reactions occur, it is advisable to discontinue use and seek medical advice.

  3. Interactions with medications: Adenosine supplements may interact with certain medications, including those for heart conditions or those with caffeine sensitivity, so be sure to ask your doctor first if you are currently on such medications.

  4. Intravenous adenosine is used in hospitals for cardiac issues including supraventricular tachycardia as it blocks AV nodal firing very briefly (a few seconds, max). Oral adenosine is much slower acting and has a much lower bioavailability overall, without any potential risk of cardiac complications. 


In the brain, adenosine is a potent neuromodulator showing neuroprotective effects. With its receptors, adenosine participates in sleep regulation and pain modulation. Finally, alterations in adenosine concentration or receptor expression are associated with various diseases highlighting the significance of this molecule in the brain.

While further research is needed to fully elucidate the effects of adenosine supplements and supplementation, they may offer a promising avenue for those seeking to improve their sleep patterns.

Alternatively, you can also try Tro Zzz, our buccal troche formulated for sleep that has adenosine as one of its main ingredients, which will help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed!



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